If you are technically savvy, you may consider putting a bandwidth-optimizing firewall onboard to block access to the web for everything except important sites and services. Both of these apps are more powerful but also more expensive than TripMode. For Mac users, there is also the more powerful Little Snitch, and for PC users there is NetLimiter. It even remembers the settings you choose for each Wi-Fi network you connect to, so it can be wide open at home, and restricted on the boat.

It allows you to enable and disable access to the Internet for individual programs running on your computer.
To further reduce how much data your laptops use, you can install an app called TripMode, which costs about $15. Want to Learn More about Offshore Comms? Subscribe to Marine Electronics Advisor today and get started! Ask your cellular or satellite provider about data management services.Download your travel area for offline use in Google Maps.Create a low-bandwidth profile for Netflix.Reduce data usage with your video conferencing services.Reduce data usage of internet messaging apps.Switch to a satellite optimized email service.Optimize data usage with your email client settings.Use mobile/satellite optimized weather forecasting services.