If this passive layer of chromium is damaged, the stainless steel regenerates this layer itself. Chromium is what contributes to its non-corrosive properties. Stainless steel comes in various grades, all of which are part of a class of ferrous alloys that have what is called a passive layer of chromium. It is because of stainless steel’s green status that it is an ideal construction material. It is safe and inert as it does not emit any compounds into substances that it comes into contact with, such as water and soil. It is the most recycled substance in the world and the material recovery rate is sitting somewhere at around 100 percent. Stainless steel is completely recyclable and can be recycled over and over. Read on to find out more about this extremely hard-wearing and versatile material. It is fire-resistant and also offers great resistance to impact and general wear and tear. Another reason why stainless steel is used so widely is the fact that it is very strong and it can be rolled into sheets or made into wire, tubing, and bars. Stainless steel not only offers beautifully appealing finishes for home appliances but also provides a surface that is easy to clean and sanitize, making it ideal for use in the medical industry.
3.1 Best Primer for Stainless Steel: RUST-OLEUM Professional Primer Spray Paint.

2.2 Water-Based Paint for Stainless Steel.2.1 Oil-Based Paint for Stainless Steel.