They need a damp environment for successful growth, therefore high humidity. The preferred environment is 20☌-25☌ and a relative humidity of 70% but will develop as low as 10☌.

The nymphs have three to eight moults before they become adult book lice. The book lice eggs incubate for one or two weeks. They can lay up to 200 eggs over a three day period. Generally only a nuisance when in significantly large numbers. They have a flat abdomen, biting mouthparts and poor eyesight.īiology: Book lice are widespread in warehouses, found on many wooden pallets and packaging especially if stored in damp warehouses. They can be pale yellow, straw to dark brown and black in colour. Applications are best done as a "crack and crevice" treatment to known or potential harbourages, as well as using a broad band residual insecticide through a coarse sprayer or as an Ultra Low Volume insecticide for the rest of the room.ĭescription: Book lice are small (1-2mm), soft bodied and wingless insects. Furniture, fittings and even crevices in wallpaper must be inspected carefully for bed bugs, even to the point of dismantling beds etc for easier inspection and possible treatment. Adults often survive up to 2 months without food, but under certain circumstances can live 12 months or more without feeding.Ĭontrol: The first step to dealing with bed bugs is to locate all of their hiding places.

Under favourable conditions, each female lays 200 to 500 eggs and these hatch in around 10 days. They inject saliva as they feed and allergic reaction to this substance often causes slightly delayed swelling, itching and burning. Bed bugs usually hide in cracks or mattresses during the day and emerge at night to feed. A newly hatched nymph is almost colourless whereas engorged nymphs are reddish and swollen.īiology: Although humans are the preferred host, bed bugs feed on many warm-blooded animals. The eggs are white, oval, about 1 mm long and covered in a sticky film which allows them to adhere to surfaces. Engorged adults tend to be swollen and dull red. Their flat shape enables them to readily hide in cracks and crevices. Description: Bed bug adults are reddish-brown, 4 to 5 mm long and 1.5 to 3 mm wide before feeding.